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About Us

FactCheckNI is Northern Ireland’s first and only dedicated fact-checking service.

Bad information erodes trust in reliable sources of information in Northern Ireland. It undermines public confidence, increases apathy, and reduces participation in democratic process. Misinformation and deliberate disinformation places another hurdle between people and the accurate information and data they need to understand the world around them and make informed decisions.

FactCheckNI works to reset this dynamic and to ensure people feel empowered, are well informed, and able to think critically. We want people to: THINK. CHECK. SHARE.

We publish fact-check articles on claims made in public by politicians, public figures, media outlets and viral online content. We also provide training in fact checking and critical thinking skills.

We are a verified signatory to the International Fact-Checking Network Code of Principles, with its commitments to nonpartisanship, fairness, and transparency.

FactCheckNI is a non-profit Community Interest Company (CIC) registered in Northern Ireland (Company Number NI660549).

We provide the public with accurate, fair, and reliable
fact-check articles.

A free to access public website of fact-check articles and related material will reduce the spread of misinformation in the public domain. We will hold public figures, campaigns, and the media to account, to develop an ethos of facts matter, throughout Northern Ireland.

We provide training courses, events, and educational resources.

Our training services will improve the fact-checking and critical thinking skills of participants and their networks. We will work in school and local community environments, and for private and public sector clients. Every event is an engagement with opportunities to improve civic discourse in Northern Ireland.

Any surplus income is reinvested in the business, including to pay costs of providing free resources to the public.

FactCheckNI is guided by an advisory panel, reflecting the functions and audiences of our work, including: official statistics, journalism, law, training, education, community engagement, and public affairs.

Meet the Team

We are a team of independent fact checkers who identify important public statements relevant to Northern Ireland, interrogate the best available evidence, and public’s fact check articles to improve quality of debate.


We are transparent about our funding sources. We ensure that funders have no influence over the conclusions that we reach in our fact checks. The professional background of all our key figures can be reviewed on our Personnel page. Anyone can contact us at [email protected].


The International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) is a forum for fact checkers worldwide. IFCN publishes a Code of Principles, which is a series of commitments that organisations abide by to promote excellence in fact checking.


The International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) is a forum for fact checkers worldwide. IFCN publishes a Code of Principles, which is a series of commitments that organisations abide by to promote excellence in fact checking.