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Did average pay plummet by 3.7% in the three months from May?
24 August 2022
There are several different measures of real-terms wage changes One official measure showed wages fell by 3.7% in the three-months up to and including May






When is 40.3 not higher than 39.6?
8 June 2022
CLAIM: The nationalist vote in Northern Ireland has not increased since 1998. RATING: Accurate? Inaccurate? Neither? Maybe a little bit of everything? Most of the


Does Northern Ireland have the highest number of children in care since 1995?
8 February 2022
In January 2022, 3,566 children in Northern Ireland were recorded as being in care, which is the highest recorded figure since 1995, according to Department




COVID-19 and excess deaths in Northern Ireland and the world
10 January 2022
There has been a lot of discussion in relation to “excess deaths” and COVID-19. This term is not specific to this pandemic and has been






Comparing suicide statistics
24 August 2021
During the pandemic, there have been claims that the number of deaths by suicide has increased, reflecting the acknowledged mental strain experienced by many. FactCheckNI




Does Ireland have the fastest growing economy in the Eurozone?
14 April 2021
According to the most recent annual figures, Ireland has the highest annual rate of GDP growth (both as an absolute figure and if adjusted for


The accuracy of COVID-19 death statistics
21 October 2020
In summary: Three sets of figures regarding numbers of deaths attributed to COVID-19 are collated which crucially vary in their timeliness.  We now know that


What’s the accuracy of claims regarding COVID-19 featured in a leaflet distributed in parts of Lagan Valley constituency?
18 September 2020
CLAIMS:  Covid-19 was downgraded from high-consequence infectious disease (HCID) status by the UK government on 19th March, 2020. Death rates are no higher this year




How has COVID-19 contributed to excess deaths in Northern Ireland?
4 August 2020
What are “excess deaths”, and how does the figure for Northern Ireland compare with elsewhere in the UK and across Europe? [This explainer article is


Are COVID-19 deaths in Northern Ireland 50% higher than Ireland?
24 April 2020
A widely shared tweet by Gabriel Scally on Wednesday 22 April draws attention to an Irish Times article about the difference in relative COVID-19 death




It’s all about the test: Counting COVID-19 deaths
14 April 2020
“The figures on deaths relate in almost all cases to patients who have died in hospital and who have tested positive for COVID-19. Slight differences


Do families have to give permission for COVID-19 death statistics?
31 March 2020
This claim is not accurate. While there has been a change in the timing of reporting of official statistics regarding the impact of COVID-19, there