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Volunteer Agreement

Volunteers are an important and valued part of FactCheckNI. We hope that you enjoy volunteering with us and feel a full part of our team.

This agreement tells you what you can expect from us and what we can expect from you. We aim to be flexible, so please let us know if you would like to make any changes, and we will do our best to accommodate them.

FactCheckNI is committed:

    • to give you a positive and beneficial experience
    • to be responsive to your requirements
    • to provide support throughout your volunteer experience
    • to be flexible in relation to your volunteering hours
    • to provide a named person who will be your point of contact whilst volunteering
    • to explain our code of conduct policy
    • to provide training required to undertake the role
    • to reimburse agreed out-of-pocket expenses
    • to provide adequate insurance to cover for volunteers whilst undertaking volunteering approved and authorised by us
    • to provide a safe workplace
    • to apply our equal opportunities policy
    • to apply our complaints procedure
    • to follow up on your feedback and questions

I, [VOLUNTEER NAME], agree to volunteer with FactCheckNI and am committed to the following:

    • to perform my volunteering role to the best of my ability
    • to work as agreed in my volunteer role description
    • to follow the organisation’s policies and procedures
    • to familiarise myself and ask if I’m not sure about what to do stay safe whilst volunteering
    • to maintain the confidential information of the organisation
    • to honour meeting times and other commitments as agreed, but when unable to do so, to give reasonable notice so that other arrangements can be made
    • to return any loaned equipment when ending my volunteering

This agreement is not intended to be a legally binding contract between us and may be stopped at any time by either party.

Fact Checking Volunteer & FactCheckNI

Last updated: 10 February 2020